Security & Privacy

Privacy is of great concern to all users of the Internet and it is a critical part of a safe and satisfactory experience. At Faltour, we are aware of and sensitive to the privacy concerns of our subscribers. We consider the protection of all identifiable personal information we receive from our subscribers as critical. Please be assured that we have security measures in place to protect against access and misuse of any private information we receive from you. 

We take your privacy seriously and we make a firm commitment to safeguard it. We want to earn your trust, so we have taken every possible reasonable measure to protect and ensure the privacy of your information.

Our Security Procedures

Here are some specific measures taken by Faltour to ensure the protection and privacy of your information: 

  • Any password received from you is instantly encrypted prior to any transmission over the Internet. We use industry-standard encryption methods.
  •  In order to minimize the risk involved in sending personal information over the Internet, we encrypt all information that you submit using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. 
  • Sensitive information such as passwords is accessed only by computer programs and only while in memory during a session. Passwords cannot be accessed by people.
  • As part of Nexone's strong commitment to protecting your information, we have taken the necessary steps for to implement an SSL Certificate.

Faltour has the security controls in place to protect your privacy. Faltour also ensures that private customer information will remain private, and that it is not being used for purposes other than those to which you agreed.

This means that any time you are required to transfer or access personal information using the web site, you can be confident that the appropriate controls are in place to protect your personal information, privacy, and the integrity of your  communication with Faltour.

Faltour Anti Spam Policy

Faltour applies a zero-tolerence policy regarding spam (unsolicitated email). Faltour strictly prohibits the use of its members’ addresses for sending unsolicitated email, except if they are used by Faltour to inform its customers of new services, features or policies.

Faltour guarantees that its list of customers will never be rented, sold, shared or made available to anyone. 

Share Your Comments and Concerns with Us

If you have comments or concerns regarding your visit to our website, please let us know by e-mail at, OR, call us at 514-670-2255. We will be pleased to provide you with assistance.